Select 75
Life Cycle: Perennial
Introduced/ Native: Introduced
Growth Habit: Bunch Type
Plant Height: 30-36 inches
● Excellent drought tolerance
● Provides outstanding forage and or hay for cattle
● Seed provides an excellent food source for upland game birds
● The dense foliage provides nesting and cover sites

Kleingrass is a perennial, warm-season, bunchgrass introduced from Africa. Kleingrass produces an abundance of leafy forage suitable for cattle and or hay production. The seed provides a good food source for game birds and the foliage provides cover and shelter for small game birds such as quail and dove.
Kleingrass grows well on a variety of soil types, has good drought tolerance, however, cold tolerance limits its use in northern areas. Its primary area of production in Texas is from the Hill Country throughout South and Parts of Central Texas.
It should be noted that Kleingrass may cause photosensitization (liver damage and death) in horses, sheep, and goats. Hay will cause the same problems
Crop USe

Dry Hay

Continuous Grazing
