Life Cycle: Perinnial
Introduced/ Native: Introduced
Growth Habit: Rhyzominous
Plant Height: 8-12 inches
● Excellent drought tolerance.
●Provides good quality forage and or hay
● Excellent erosion control
● Can be used as a turf or forage
● Persistent

Common Bermudagrass is an introduced, warm-season, long-lived perennial with a spreading growth habit. It is propagated by runners, underground rootstocks, and seeds. The runners vary from a few inches to 3 or 4 feet in length, and under favorable conditions, they may grow 15 to 20 feet in a season. The leaves are short, flat, bluish-green, and 1 to 4 inches long.
Common Bermudagrass grows well on almost any soil that is fertile and not too wet. It thrives in hot weather and grows through the southern regions of the United States.
Crop USe

Dry Hay

Continuous Grazing
