Madrid Yellow Blossom
Sweet Clover
Life Cycle: Annual
Introduced/ Native: Introduced
Growth Habit: -Erect
Plant Height: 24-36 inches
● Late maturing
● Deep-rooted
● Low bloat
● Excellent drought tolerance

Yellow blossom sweetclover is not a true clover but is probably more closely related to alfalfa. Sweetclover leaves look much like alfalfa, but the margins of alfalfa leaflets are serrated only on the tips. Sweetclover leaflets are serrated around their entire margin. high, and as the name implies, produces yellow flowers. It is used for forage, cover cropping, conservation, and honey making.
When compared to the white flowering types of sweetclover, yellow blossom blooms roughly 2 weeks earlier and also matures earlier, usually grows less upright, and possesses finer stems. However, yellow blossom sweetclover persists better in pastures and tolerates adverse conditions better than white varieties.
Sweetclover can produce and deposit a high percentage of hard seeds that persist in the soil for many years. This accounts for its consistent volunteering in many areas.
Crop USe

Dry Hay

Continuous Grazing

