Red Clover
Life Cycle: Bi-Annual
Introduced/ Native: Introduced
Growth Habit: -Erect
Plant Height: 12-18 inches
● Short lived perinnial
● Vigorous winter growth with lush growth in spring
● Offers excellent forage quality with multiple cuttings or grazing
● Adapted to waterlogged soil

Red clover (Trifolium pratense L), a short-lived perennial, is the most widely grown of all the true clovers. Medium Red Clover provides for multiple grazing or hay cuttings . It is usually treated as a biennial although it is actually a short-lived perennial. Medium Red clover is effective as a pasture legume and for hay. It can withstand more shading in the seedling stage than most other legumes, making it easy to establish in grass sods, or mixtures of small grains or ryegrass.
Medium red clover is most productive on soils of medium to high fertility levels with a soil pH of 5.8 or higher with good internal drainage. It is better than alfalfa at tolerating and growing on soils of low pH and low fertility with poor drainage.
Crop USe

Dry Hay

Continuous Grazing

