Forage Oats
Life Cycle: Annual
Introduced/ Native: Introduced
Growth Habit: Erect
Plant Height: 30-36 inches
● Dual-purpose grain /forage oat
● Resistant to stem & crown rust
● High tillering and regrowth potential
● Excellent forage production and yield

Ram 11019 oats are a new dual-purpose oat suitable for grain and forage production. Ram 11019 oats were selected not only for exceptional grain and forage yields but has shown excellent resistance against stem and crown rust. This new oat has a semi -prostate growth habit with excellent early season growth and high tillering ability. Ram 11019 oats will provide an excellent forage choice for producers throughout south and central Texas. With improved rust resistance and high forage yield potential, Ram 11019 oats is a must for producer in high rust areas across South and Central Texas
Crop USe

Dry Hay

Continuous Grazing

