Palins Bristlegrass
Life Cycle: Perinnial
Introduced/ Native: Native
Growth Habit: Bunch Type
Plant Height: 30-36 inches
● Provide good quality forage
● Good drought tolerance
● Provides quality forage and or hay for all classes of livestock
● Provides good cover for deer and provides nesting and cover sites for game birds
![Placeholder Picture](./native%20grasses/Plains%2520Bristlegrass%25202.jpg)
Plains Bristlegrass is a native, warm-season, perennial bunchgrass, adapted to sandy to medium-textured soils. Plains Bristle is usually associated with mesquite, gravelly sites, and disturbed sandy areas. It is not a dominating species on most range sites.
Plants usually grow 1 to 2.5 feet tall. It is best planted in seed or range mixes for re-vegetation of rangeland or abandoned cultivated land, because of its drought tolerance.
Plains Bristlegrass is highly adapted to the dryer climates. Plains Bristlegrass is highly palatable to all classes of livestock when it is green. Seed provides a valuable food source for game birds. It is recommended for grazing, wildlife plantings, land reclamation, and soil erosion.
Crop USe
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Dry Hay
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Continuous Grazing
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